Xenyum has always attributed key strategic importance to Research & Development in the management and development of its business.
The total R&D investments vary between 5 and 7% per year.
Xenyum considers its Research & Development activities to be fundamental for the company's growth.
A large number of ongoing investments are proof of the company's commitment and success in this area. The recognised quality and reliability of its products, and the reduction in the cost of materials and processes are other important objectives achieved through Xenyum's constant investments in Research.
Quality at every stage of the production cycle
The quality of all Xenyum products is ensured by strict monitoring of every stage of the production cycle, from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of the finished product, by means of an extensive system of control for each specific stage of the cycle.
In raw materials procurement the focus of controls is on the selection of suppliers, thus assuring the quality of individual supplies that have to be accompanied by the relevant certificates showing their compliance with the standards established at the contract.
High standards of customer service
To ensure a high standard of customer service, Xenyum continuously conducts a series of customer satisfaction surveys and take monthly measurements of service performance indicators.
AR-IST LLC is exclusive distributor of "Xenyum" in Armenia.